Do Anything for Your Girlfriend: 4 Things Girlfriends Need

Photo by Clay Banks
If you’re someone’s boyfriend, you would agree that it’s safe to assume you would do anything for your girlfriend, right?
Maureen E. Hosier, author of You’ll Do Anything for Her, knows how strong the first “pull” of falling in love is. She knows that love is such a powerful emotion that it gives any individual the strength to do whatever their girlfriend wishes. But that feeling, often dubbed the “honeymoon phase,” quickly fizzles out and is difficult to maintain.
Fortunately, Maureen knows what girlfriends need from their boyfriends and how boyfriends can provide those needs to their girlfriends whenever and wherever.
1. Girlfriends Need to Connect With Their Boyfriend’s Heart (Intimacy)
Your significant other desires a heart-to-heart connection. She’s curious as to what’s on your mind. She’s interested in your goals and dreams. Your girlfriend is interested in knowing what feelings you are going through: Are you hurt? Do you feel satisfied? Do you feel confused?
When your partner is near your heart, she feels that way too. Although having this kind of chat with your partner is often unnatural for guys, you know she needs it.
Here are a few doable strategies to develop a closer emotional bond with your partner:
- Look for ways to communicate your thoughts and feelings on the questions your girlfriend poses.
- If you find that she is responding in a way that surprised you in a particular situation, ask her to clarify it and ask her how the situation affected her feelings.
- Find out what her feelings are. Find out from her whatever she has been contemplating lately. (And remember, just listen; don’t feel obligated to “fix” anything or offer any ideas.)
2. Girlfriends Need to Know Their Boyfriends Think They’re Beautiful (Attraction)
Every woman has a deep-seated need to believe that she is attractive, worthwhile, and deserving attention.
Regretfully, men frequently fail to recognize the importance of this subject. Guys can mistakenly believe that the foundation of this need for beauty is based on sexual desire or vanity, but this is typically not the case. The real question is one of value: “Am I valuable enough for him to notice me? “Am I worthwhile enough to be sought after?”
As a boyfriend, showing that you’re willing to do anything for your girlfriend is sometimes enough to convince your partner that you’re attracted to her. Maureen E. Hosier’s book, You’ll Do Anything for Her, can shed light on how you can be more attuned to what your girlfriend deems as showing attraction towards her. She teaches how to meet what your girlfriend needs to improve the relationship.
Here are some doable methods to express your admiration for your girlfriend and that you find her very attractive:
- Encourage her to use her abilities and gifts. Assist her in identifying her strengths. Declare your support for her out loud. Both in private and public, praise her.
- Give out lots of compliments. Both when she is dressed up and when she is wearing casual attire with no makeup, give her praise.
- Act like a gentleman. Pull her chair out at dinner, hold the door open for her, and make sincere, small gestures of service to let her know how much you appreciate and think highly of her.
3. Girlfriends Need Their Man to Have Integrity and Be Trustworthy (Security)
It’s important for your girlfriend to feel confident in you. She doesn’t want any reason to worry about whether you are still in contact with past partners; she needs to be sure that you have “eyes only for her.” Trust, at this junction, must be non-negotiable.
Your partner is deserving of more than a tentative promise. She needs to know whether you’re with her or not. When you try to be half-committed to her and leave things open, you are not being helpful to anyone.
- Keep your eyes moving. Show off your self-control by not letting your gaze stray from girls you pass by or from your social media or Internet usage.
- In everything that you do in life, keep your promise. Never abandon plans when a better opportunity presents itself. Additionally, try your best to honor your promises.
- Give up having long conversations with other girls. If you truly want to date your girlfriend exclusively, you don’t need to keep messaging or chatting with girls who are “just friends” or former partners on the side.
4. Girlfriends Need Transparency When Communicating (Honesty)
Girls want their men to be open and honest with them about their expectations, boundaries, and feelings. Your girlfriend can better protect her heart when you’re taking the initiative to have open and honest conversations with her. Guys, even if it’s not what your girlfriend wants to hear, you need to be honest with her about how you feel.
When having DTR (Defining the Relationship) conversations, she needs you to be sincere. She also needs your assistance in setting and upholding both physical and emotional limits in their relationship.
Here are some doable strategies to begin creating sincere dialogue channels:
- Act like a guy if both you and your girlfriend break a line between physical intimacy that you had previously agreed not to cross. Express vocally that it was improper to cross a physical barrier, that it was, and then talk about how to proceed.
- Arrange a time to meet for coffee so that the two of you may discuss the lines of DTR. Be very sincere (lovingly) with her and your relationship during this talk.
Don’t Be Afraid to Do Anything for Your Girlfriend
We understand that sometimes showing your loving side to your girlfriend can be difficult. However, it’s 100% worth it to do, and not only are you getting along with her, but you might even be paving the way towards marriage!
Grab a copy of Maureen E. Hosier’s, You’ll Do Anything for Her, today and get to read an insightful book about boyfriends, girlfriends, and the love binding them. Oh, and don’t forget to read our other articles, too, and learn more about being a good partner!